Personal Finance
Tax-Free Investing: Maximize Your Health Savings Account (HSA)

Do you hate paying taxes? Wouldn't it be great if there was an investment account that avoided them entirely? Well, this account does exist, but very few people use it effectively.It's the Health Savings account or HSA, which most people don't think of as an investment account. But that's a mistake. And in this video I'm going to tell you why.

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Personal Finance
Pay Off Your Mortgage FASTER Without Extra Payments

So you've got a mortgage and you've got some extra cash flow coming in each month. If you want to get rid of that mortgage payment, the obvious thing to do is to make extra payments on your mortgage.But there's another strategy to consider that could actually pay off your mortgage even faster and give you more peace of mind in the meantime.

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Understand the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) & Government Pension Offset (GPO)

If you have a pension from employment with a federal, state, or local government, there are a couple of provisions that you need to be aware of that could impact your retirement benefits. They're called the Government Pension Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provision. That's what we're going over in today's video.

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The Case For Investing Your Emergency Fund

You may have heard the traditional financial advice: keep 3-6 months of living expenses stowed away in cash, uninvested, for a rainy day. This is conventional wisdom, and I have given the same advice to clients many times. This strategy makes sense for many people. If the emergency fund is

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Stock Options
Incentive Stock Options: What You Need to Know

Incentive stock options can be a major wealth creator for employees of startups. Many of the fastest-growing companies today are staying private longer, which means the public doesn’t have access to buy their stock. Included in the lucky few shareholders of these high-growth companies are the employees who either own

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Personal Finance
The Economics of Investing in Yourself

“Invest in yourself” has become a rallying cry for millennials and gen z. Search the phrase and you’ll find articles telling you to travel more, set goals, build relationships, meditate, and get outside. We have taken the idea and applied it to virtually anything that may make us happier. While

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5 Reasons To Avoid Individual Stocks

The emergence of Robinhood and zero-commission trading has led a lot of younger investors to speculate on the next big thing, bringing back memories of the tech bubble in the late 90’s. We now have meme-stocks, cryptocurrency, and NFTs, all vehicles that feed our desire to get rich quick. There

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Personal Finance
The Buy Now, Pay Later Trap

If you have shopped online recently, you have probably noticed an option at checkout to spread your purchase over smaller future payments, sometimes without paying any interest. This is known as “buy now, pay later” (BNPL) and it has been all over the news the last few weeks. There have

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Stock Options
Stock Option Essentials: Taxes

If you have employee stock options, one of the most important things to understand is your potential tax consequences. Managing your taxes effectively can be the difference between reaching your financial goals and falling short. First, you need to know what kind of stock options you were granted. They are

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The Secret To Financial Independence

In the world of financial advice, we spend most of our time talking about investments, taxes, insurance, etc. These are good things and there is a lot of value in fine-tuning these variables, but sometimes I think we miss the pillar that all of this is built on: saving money.

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